Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde#4

Who am I?
Who are you?
Am I one?
Or am I two?
Nobody knows
It’s our little secret
But what if they find out?
How shall we keep it?
I’m afraid they’ll find out
What shall we do?
We could say who murderer is
Was it me or you?
I know they’re going to find out
I can just tell
The question is will we end up in heaven?
Or will we be sent down to hell?
I don’t want to go to hell
That’s not where I below
But my other half is telling me,
That I am very wrong
God told us not to murderer
But it’s something I have to do
It’s the only way destruction
Can stop from coming over you
Who am I?
Who are you?
Am I one?
Or are we two?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde#3


You always have a good, while you always have a bad
One that makes you happy and another that makes you mad
There are two voices in your head that are always talking
And they want you to side with them so they’re always knocking
You don’t know what to do, not sure what side to take
The voices in your head won’t stop causing a major headache
You know you have to make a decision, which one will you choose?
Better make a choice quick, or you’ll be left with a bruise
These voices are now yelling, screaming with all their might
You better hurry, as these two are about to fight
A decision is right around the corner, have you chosen your fate?
This can be very easy; just don’t pick the one you hate
 I see you made your choice; do you think it was the right one?
I guess we’ll never know, maybe we will see in the long run
You probably think that decision was easy
But yet I know you’re feeling queasy
You’re conscience helped you make this difficult decision
It’s like it already had it in its vision
But wait what if you had the wrong thought
It’s too late you know what we’ve been taught
The past is the past and there is nothing you can do
But who are you to blame, your mind or you?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde#2


Curiosity is wanting to know what’s going on
The power of this feeling makes you drawn
I see this box in the room
It feels as like I’m walking into my own tomb

The box, is there something inside?
What, do you have something you’re trying to hide?
I need to know, it’s eating me alive
If I don’t find out, I think I might die

I don’t know what it could possibly be
Please, I need someone to tell me
Is it evil, is that what’s in there?
I’m not sure; it’s something I might not be able to bare

The demon of curiosity is fighting to come alive
He’s ‘gonna find out what’s in the box, he’s ‘gonna thrive
Is it Pandora’s Box, something that releases evil into the world?
The curiosity is making me weak and curled
Is having all the curiosity even worth it?
I guess we will never know, that until the box is split

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde#1

Author's note: I just felt as if it would be fun to write a poem about how it goes back and forth between good and evil. Hopefully I did this correctly! 

One is good
One is bad
Being happy is the way to go
The root of evil is down below
He comforts you with a gentle touch
And his counter-part will squeeze with a strong clutch
Arms opened wide, ready to spread jeer
As the one down below makes you shed a tear
You look up, and you know he’s there
Down below is the place people cannot bare
The hands of this man are soft and nice
One swipe with his claw, and boom you’ve been sliced
You pray and pray hoping to make everything better as it should be
But I’m afraid to talk as he might kill me
Now you wonder how these two men draw different attractions
As Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde have many different actions

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Short Story

                 Happiness was all around; we were all riding the bus back to the high school as we had just won the biggest game in Pewaukee Football History. Yelling at the top of our lungs, laughing hysterically, we were celebrating as if we had the Super Bowl Trophy on the bus. It felt as if nothing could bring any of us down, including me. It’s hard to even describe what I was feeling at that very moment. Sure, I was laughing and having a good time, but I felt as if someone just took out my brain and threw it somewhere. I wasn’t able to think straightly due to all this excitement. Although all this was a great moment, I had no idea what had happened an hour before kickoff. It turned out to be one of the darkest moments a person could experience in their entire life.
                The time was around 11:00 P.M. when I got home from the victory dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. My bed wasn’t calling me yet so I decided I would stay up for awhile, just watching T.V. An hour or so had passed, and I was still watching that same TV, in the same position. That was, until the moment that changed my life had arrived. The time was now 12:00 A.M, and that’s when I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was some of my friends ding dong ditching me, seeing as they were going to be happy that we won the game, but it wasn’t to my surprise. A Pewaukee Police Officer stood at my front door step, and saw me as I had crept my way from the back door. Feeling a little bit uneasy about the situation, I approached him and asked “Is there something wrong, sir?” He just stood there with the look on his face, as if he couldn’t explain this serious situation to a sixteen year old. He just asked me if my mother was home, and that we should go get her. At this point, my mind was going off in a million different directions. My thoughts were twisted in my brain like a giant knot in my stomach. Had my grandpa pass? Are my sister’s okay? Nobody knew. Finally my mother came out, not knowing what was going on. The officer then said that he had been told to come to this residence and say that “a Mr. Kevin Conroy has been killed in a traffic accident”. I stood there in shock. The moments of silence grew frighteningly louder; the stillness became exasperating.  I didn’t move, I didn’t cry, I didn’t do anything. I just stood there until he left, and then I proceeded to my room, where being by myself felt as if it was the best solution. Now I was more conscious of this new disturbance. I was in complete denial. My father wasn’t dead, my best friend wasn’t gone. He has to have the wrong guy, this isn’t happening to me. I felt this until I picked up my phone, scrolled through my contacts with my sweaty palms, and found the one that said “Dad.” I then proceeded to call it, so I could hear my father’s voice, but there was nothing. No ring, no voice, no nothing. Awaiting for a ring with impatience, I decided I would call again, but I got the same result. The only sound that could be heard through my home was my warm tears hitting the cold floor.